Villainess Soaps

Posted by graphics boy | 10:03 PM | 0 comments »

Why am I up at 1:30am scouring the internet for packaging design? I have no clue, but I did come across an unexpected surprise via our friends at NotCot: Villianess Soaps.

From NotCot:

"Villainess Soaps just popped up on NotCouture ~ and while at first i simply crossposted it to .org… i quickly realized there was too much awesomeness to show in one 250x250 image… so here’s a proper post on their incredible packaging! Granted i have no idea how their products are… but they’ve won me over with their vintage pirate like feel… its like the Lush i’d imagine pirates/wenches would use! With hilarious naming, great graphic design, and an incredible clawfoot bathtub display at the Den of Antiquities… you have to take a peek!"

Read the whole NotCot article here.

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